Monday, March 30, 2020

Organic Chemistry and Geometry: A Course in Understanding Each Other

Organic Chemistry and Geometry: A Course in Understanding Each OtherOrganic chemistry is often confused with the subject of geometry, which in turn may confuse students who have very little knowledge of either. Organic chemistry and geometry are a lot alike, and here are some things you can do to help students understand both.One thing that makes organic chemistry different from other sciences is the principles that are used in it. The materials used are made up of atoms and molecules, and the properties of these materials are determined by what each of the atoms or molecules consists of. The properties of a substance are determined by its molecular structure, and the science of geometry is simply how atoms are arranged in specific places. If you teach this aspect of the subject, it's important to be careful not to call any one of your student's organic chemistry. You need to teach it as 'geometry,' so that students will understand and appreciate it as an entirely different disciplin e altogether.Geometry uses distances to determine areas, and chemistry employs the same principles. Before teaching organic chemistry geometry, you should make sure that you have an understanding of how geometry works and how it can be applied to various types of shapes. If you're too simplistic in your approach, you won't encourage students to think about these concepts.The next step in teaching organic chemistry geometry is to give students a problem that is directly related to the science. Take the shape of an orange and give it a bit of something else. Give it some gum or peanut butter, and see what kind of shape it changes into. You'll be surprised at the various shapes and how they change after a bit of chemistry. You'll also find that your students are interested in knowing more about the various types of shapes and how they work with the chemical elements.What if you want to teach organic chemistry without a problem? You don't. Geometry is a science that's much simpler to st udy than chemistry itself, and a simpler version can make you a better teacher.If you want to be a better teacher of organic chemistry and geometry, you'll want to avoid using complex terms that may confuse students. In geometry, for example, it's best to use simple terms like parallel lines, perpendicular lines, and triangles. You can teach this knowledge without using complicated words, and you'll find that students can understand it more easily.The final step in teaching organic chemistry and geometry is to make sure that you're not teaching geometry when you're teaching about these two subjects. If you are, you should take some time and review what you've been doing so far, so that you can start fresh. Even the basics like making things out of shapes and using the right vocabulary are very important.If you're ready to make your science education full career, you should start taking more care of your students. Learning science is only half the battle, though. You have to make sur e that you're encouraging your students to learn as much as possible about their subject.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Universal American School in Dubai

Universal American School in Dubai Universal American School in Dubai Universal American School in Dubai is an internationally accredited IB World School, offering a high-quality education to a student body of 1500, representing 75 nationalities. The state-of-the art, 70,000 sq. meter campus is located in Dubai Festival City. UAS is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools as well as by the Council of International Schools. UAS offers the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP) in the elementary school, and the IB Diploma Programme in Grades 11 and 12. The academically challenging High School Diploma is based on courses and required credits in grades 9-12 including IB courses in grades 11 and 12. Across grades 7-10 UAS offers a school-developed, conceptually-based curriculum that provides an effective transition from elementary to the diploma courses in Grades 11 and 12. UAS provides its students with a quality American international education that incorporates the strengths of the students own cultures. The schools goal is to develop students core and essential skills, as well as their capacities for critical thinking and creativity. In addition to cultivating a passion for learning, UAS promotes students development of their character, their skills as young leaders, and their sense of civic responsibility. The schools facilities are amongst the finest in the region. Universal American Schools greatest asset is its faculty and staff. We strive to prepare each child for academic and personal success in higher education and life in a global society UAS considers all applications for employment independent of their race, color, and national and ethnic background and consistent with the schools Mission, Philosophy, and Beliefs. UAS seeks teachers who are passionate about teaching, have the appropriate credentials (BA minimum, advanced degree preferred), and ideally will have 3 or more years of experience including teaching in international schools. Teachers with experience are required or highly desirable for certain assignments at elementary level (PYP) and at the high school level (IBDP). Above all, we seek colleagues who are effective and helpful co-workers ready to commit fully to the expectations and values of UAS, including involvement in after-school activities and in school community service events. UAS is truly a community of learners. Professional development is an integral component to ensuring the highest quality teaching and learning. Teachers regularly attend off-site opportunities for professional learning, however, the school values professional learning that is embedded in the daily life of our teachers.

Discipline is the Key to this Students Success

Discipline is the Key to this Students Success Discipline is the Key to this Students Success Abhinav, 11-years-old, Math Level J, Reading Level III At 11-years-old, Abhinav is studying above grade level ahead his peers, and can complete his school work with ease. Thanks to the Kumon Math Program, he’s working on challenging algebraic concepts, such as factorization and quadratic functions. In the Kumon Reading Program, he’s taking a deep dive into high school-level literature and analyzing pieces such as Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray.Having been enrolled in Kumon since he was six, Abhinav has gained the confidence and motivation to help him through any challenge. He credits Kumon for helping him become a stronger student in school. “Kumon is a very inspiring and unique program,” said Abhinav. “The fact that I am ahead of my grade level has made my school work easier, especially math. This has created more free-time in my schedule, allowing me to finish other work and have time for sports. Applying what I’ve learned in Kumon at school has helped me a lot.” While he’s still undecided on a career path, he does see a future in medicine. “I want to either be a physician who specializes in sleep medicine, medical research, cardiovascular surgery, or really any career that deals with medicine. I am confident that I will become sure of what I want to do in a few years,” said Abhinav. Abhinav had the opportunity to get a glimpse into what it’s like to be a college student, having been selected to attend Loyola University Chicago’s Pre-College Summer Scholars Program. This exciting opportunity allows exceptional students to get ahead academically through taking courses from Loyola’s knowledgeable faculty. Courses include a focus on business, pre-health, psychology, and STEM. Abhinav’s academic success has even risen to new heights, being a part of the Gifted Education (MOSAICS) Program at his school. Students who are in MOSAICS follow an accelerated curriculum that provides enrichment and unique learning experiences to meet the needs of gifted students. It’s no wonder that Abhinav was selected by his teacher to be the grade representative, which he is extremely proud of. Outside of the classroom, Abhinav enjoys playing sports as it is a way for him to not only exercise, but to also relieve stress. He particularly enjoys badminton and table tennis. Most of the time Abhinav will play with his dad, and they have even set up a ping-pong table in their home. Abhinav’s hard work and discipline has not gone unnoticed, as he was one of 55 students selected to attend the 2018 Kumon Student Conference in Calgary, Canada. We had the opportunity to speak to Abhinav about his Kumon journey. How has Kumon helped you inside of the classroom? Kumon has helped me in so many ways in school as 90-95% of the concepts being taught have already been covered in Kumon. This has significantly helped me, especially in math. My hard work has paid off as I have been accepted into a 7th grade accelerated math class in school. How has Kumon helped you outside of the classroom? The values that are taught in Kumon have helped in my daily life. The core values such as honesty, hard work, and confidence have been vital to my success. I have gained confidence which has really helped me in various public speaking engagements. With honesty and hard work, it has taught me to be sincere with anything I am working on and give it 100%. If you could sum up your Kumon experience in one word, what would it be? Exquisite. What did it mean to you attending the Student Conference? It was such an honor being chosen to attend the Student Conference in Calgary. When my dad shared the news with me, it was a proud moment. I really enjoyed meeting other Kumon Students and exchanging ideas. All the speakers at the conference were interesting and inspiring. The entire experience was a superb feeling! What advice do you have for other Kumon Students? My advice to other Kumon Students would be simple. I have seen so many kids drop out of the program at various ages. Having been in Kumon for almost eight years now, I have hit many challenging levels. Whenever I felt stuck on a challenging concept, I asked questions, and remained persistent until I achieved the desired result. I’d like to tell all Kumon Students who are just starting out to keep trying and never give up. If you don’t give up during any challenge, it will help you a lot later in life. Discover even more student success stories. You might also be interested in: This Future Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt Applies Discipline and Repetition In-and-Out of the Classroom This Ballerina Applies Discipline And Perseverance On And Off The Stage How Developing Discipline in Kumon Helped This Student Succeed Accomplished Pianist Applies Focus and Discipline in Her Everyday Routine Discipline is the Key to this Students Success Discipline is the Key to this Students Success Abhinav, 11-years-old, Math Level J, Reading Level III At 11-years-old, Abhinav is studying above grade level ahead his peers, and can complete his school work with ease. Thanks to the Kumon Math Program, he’s working on challenging algebraic concepts, such as factorization and quadratic functions. In the Kumon Reading Program, he’s taking a deep dive into high school-level literature and analyzing pieces such as Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray.Having been enrolled in Kumon since he was six, Abhinav has gained the confidence and motivation to help him through any challenge. He credits Kumon for helping him become a stronger student in school. “Kumon is a very inspiring and unique program,” said Abhinav. “The fact that I am ahead of my grade level has made my school work easier, especially math. This has created more free-time in my schedule, allowing me to finish other work and have time for sports. Applying what I’ve learned in Kumon at school has helped me a lot.” While he’s still undecided on a career path, he does see a future in medicine. “I want to either be a physician who specializes in sleep medicine, medical research, cardiovascular surgery, or really any career that deals with medicine. I am confident that I will become sure of what I want to do in a few years,” said Abhinav. Abhinav had the opportunity to get a glimpse into what it’s like to be a college student, having been selected to attend Loyola University Chicago’s Pre-College Summer Scholars Program. This exciting opportunity allows exceptional students to get ahead academically through taking courses from Loyola’s knowledgeable faculty. Courses include a focus on business, pre-health, psychology, and STEM. Abhinav’s academic success has even risen to new heights, being a part of the Gifted Education (MOSAICS) Program at his school. Students who are in MOSAICS follow an accelerated curriculum that provides enrichment and unique learning experiences to meet the needs of gifted students. It’s no wonder that Abhinav was selected by his teacher to be the grade representative, which he is extremely proud of. Outside of the classroom, Abhinav enjoys playing sports as it is a way for him to not only exercise, but to also relieve stress. He particularly enjoys badminton and table tennis. Most of the time Abhinav will play with his dad, and they have even set up a ping-pong table in their home. Abhinav’s hard work and discipline has not gone unnoticed, as he was one of 55 students selected to attend the 2018 Kumon Student Conference in Calgary, Canada. We had the opportunity to speak to Abhinav about his Kumon journey. How has Kumon helped you inside of the classroom? Kumon has helped me in so many ways in school as 90-95% of the concepts being taught have already been covered in Kumon. This has significantly helped me, especially in math. My hard work has paid off as I have been accepted into a 7th grade accelerated math class in school. How has Kumon helped you outside of the classroom? The values that are taught in Kumon have helped in my daily life. The core values such as honesty, hard work, and confidence have been vital to my success. I have gained confidence which has really helped me in various public speaking engagements. With honesty and hard work, it has taught me to be sincere with anything I am working on and give it 100%. If you could sum up your Kumon experience in one word, what would it be? Exquisite. What did it mean to you attending the Student Conference? It was such an honor being chosen to attend the Student Conference in Calgary. When my dad shared the news with me, it was a proud moment. I really enjoyed meeting other Kumon Students and exchanging ideas. All the speakers at the conference were interesting and inspiring. The entire experience was a superb feeling! What advice do you have for other Kumon Students? My advice to other Kumon Students would be simple. I have seen so many kids drop out of the program at various ages. Having been in Kumon for almost eight years now, I have hit many challenging levels. Whenever I felt stuck on a challenging concept, I asked questions, and remained persistent until I achieved the desired result. I’d like to tell all Kumon Students who are just starting out to keep trying and never give up. If you don’t give up during any challenge, it will help you a lot later in life. Discover even more student success stories. You might also be interested in: This Future Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt Applies Discipline and Repetition In-and-Out of the Classroom This Ballerina Applies Discipline And Perseverance On And Off The Stage How Developing Discipline in Kumon Helped This Student Succeed Accomplished Pianist Applies Focus and Discipline in Her Everyday Routine

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Organic Chemistry Tutor - How An Online Chemistry Tutor Can Help You Learn The Basics

Organic Chemistry Tutor - How An Online Chemistry Tutor Can Help You Learn The BasicsI am sure you have heard of an online chemistry tutor. Online tutors usually charge by the hour. They are also available online but they normally work with a prepaid tuition payment plan. The online tutors have made it possible for the public to learn chemistry from their computer.This involves the students learning some very basic science and natural properties of these materials. Materials such as copper, boron, nickel, aluminum, etc. are to be learned through chemical reactions. It is called a chemical reaction. This science of chemistry in a simple manner but can be extremely useful.Chemistry is the study of chemical reactions. These reactions can take place in a simple way if you know how to look at and use a few materials. A textbook or a chemical manual can be your guide to help you through this process. It can be somewhat difficult to learn this method on your own. You will need an organic ch emistry tutor to help you with this process.An organic chemistry tutor will give you a detailed guide to the material and can also give you more advanced tips if you require it. It will explain all the terms and their meaning. They will also make sure that you know the materials well so that you do not get confused or make mistakes. This helps to avoid making mistakes and then having to pay for another lesson on the same topic.An individual tutor will help you learn this way. Some of them are free to use and others will charge a fee. Of course they charge more money if you need more advanced tips on the material.These tutors are very helpful because they will help you in gaining full knowledge of all the contents. They will also help you learn how to accurately calculate things. You will learn about symbols and their meanings and which symbols should be used when and where.Having proper tools and knowing the correct processes will help you. Having all this knowledge will also help y ou learn how to calculate the quantity of chemicals to be used when and for what you want to do. So it is good to have an organic chemistry tutor to help you in this way. You will also benefit from the tips he or she gives you in relation to everything from when to teach about a certain chemical to how to distribute the proper amount.

Get the Help in Algebra Study With App

Get the Help in Algebra Study With AppIf you want to learn algebra then there is one single free application that is available online that will help you learn and remember what you need to know. I am sure that the test would be hard, but if you make use of the algebra help app you will surely come out with an answer.Unfortunately, most students find it difficult to get a sufficient knowledge about mathematics through class teachers. Most of the time they simply find it difficult to remember all the mathematical facts and figures in their mind. However, a single app will provide you the best solution.If you have just earned your first new degree then it is difficult to manage. Most students try to study without any idea how they should study. This is the reason why many of them find it very difficult to remember all the things in their mind. There are many solutions available to them but using the algebra help app will be the best choice.The algebra help app is a good source of inform ation. You can find some application in the internet but only few of them will provide you the best solution. The free algebra help app will be your best choice because it will provide you with the best solution.However, before you can get the best solution for your needs, you must understand the basic principles of algebra. You need to understand that algebra is nothing but figuring out and finding the answers of the questions. The app will help you get to the point by providing you with the right tools.This algebra-help app will give you the tools required to go through the course material thoroughly. It will allow you to get all the difficult equations to solve so that you do not find yourself losing concentration. Another thing is that the app will be helpful in filling up the required form for taking your exams. Therefore, this is really helpful for all those who are planning to study in further courses or who are just starting their studies.There are several other aspects that can be considered in using the algebra help app. However, it is the best app that helps you to get to the correct place. It will help you to solve the problems related to your problem and help you get an answer.

Videos We Love Man With No Hands Plays Guitar

Videos We Love Man With No Hands Plays Guitar Suzy S. Have you ever wanted to play guitar, but thought of a hundred reasons to hold off?   Youre too busy, youre too tired to practice, your fingers hurt after playing for two days the list goes on and on for some people. Well, you may need to put those excuses to rest after watching this inspiring video: His name is Mark Goffeney, a San Diego musician who has even performed internationally with his band, Big Toe. Browse around YouTube and youll find tons of videos featuring this impressive guitar player, strumming everything from the Beatles to the Red Hot Chili Peppers.   Hows that for some inspiration?   We cant even imagine how many hours of practicing hes committed to learn how to use only his feet to play.   Its just the kind of talent and commitment we here at TakeLessons thrive to see. Now its your turn so pick that guitar up and start practicing! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

How To Learn Spanish On YouTube

How To Learn Spanish On YouTube Can You Learn to Speak Spanish on YouTube  ?   ChaptersCan Spanish YouTubers Help you to Learn Spanish?Learn Spanish on YouTubeWhat Are the Best Spanish Channels on YouTube?Videos for All Levels in SpanishCartoons in Spanish: Ideal for Refreshing the BasicsImproving your Spanish on YouTube with MusicWatching Films and Shows in Spanish on YouTubeWork on your Spanish during YouTube VideosExtra Tricks for Improving your Spanish“Ignorance is the mother of all evils” (Francois Rabelais)This adage proves that learning how to speak a foreign language is always a good idea. Are you captivated by Iberian or South American culture? Enchanted by the way the language of Cervantes rings? Do you want to become bilingual in English and Spanish?Whether you are an absolute beginner, know some basic Spanish, or are at a more intermediate level, learning Spanish takes motivation, practice and effort.To help you learn a new language, different tools are at your disposal on the Internet: specialist websites, conversation forums, chats, private le ssons via Skype…But among all these resources, one stands out:  you can also learn Spanish for free on Youtube.Since its creation in 2005 and after being purchased by Google in 2006, many interesting videos have been uploaded to allow you to quickly improve your Spanish skills for free.But improvement is one thing, but is it possible to learn Spanish from scratch by video? Some questions to keep in mind as you explore language learning online are:How to learn Spanish on YouTube?How to avoid picking up bad habits?How to surpass your level?How to diagnose errors in pronunciation, grammar, spelling and tenses?In this article, Superprof â€" a leader in online and face-to-face education (Spanish language included) â€" presents all you need to know for improving your Spanish and learning a new language for free.123TeachMeThis pages provides a wide assortment of short videos, for a range of different levels, from children all the way through to adults. You can even choose your video in t erms of themes, such as business or medicine, for example. There are interesting features to facilitate language learning, such as a Spanish themes games page to make learning fun. You can also join a members' page to interact and share your progress.What's more, there's even a section for Spanish educators so you can find material to use yourself in the classroom for your Spanish lessons.Maria EspañolIn this channel, Maria Español  offers you videos of group classes that Maria used to teach, on Spanish grammar, vocabulary, expressions, advice, etc.WhyNotSpanishThis channel has an interesting concept. WhyNotSpanish will accompany you along the journey of an absolute beginner Spanish speaker, Cody, who has been trying for years to learn the language with little success.It aims to make you a more confident Spanish speaker with free videos that cover a range of topics, including grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, tips and cultural aspects. As opposed to a traditional classroom exper ience, these topics are approached with the real world use of the Spanish language. The video series is organised progressively from Zero to Fluency levels, which you’ll get to by quizzes.Learn Intermediate SpanishSpanish101pod.comLed by Maria, videos on this channel last about 45 minutes. They picture images and play dialogues followed by questions, which viewers answer.Learn Spanish with PaulinoPaulino offers a range of videos for different levels, to help viewers with reading comprehension, pronunciation and discussion. Each video lasts for about 1 hour.Professor JasonVideos by Professor Jason on this channel last between 20 and 40 minutes, and address a range of topics in grammar (verbs, tenses, etc) and conversation (asking and answering questions, etc.). Jason goes into detail in his lessons, encouraging a more advanced understanding of the Spanish language.  ProSpanishProSpanish teaches you how to put the different parts of the language together to communicate in everyday S panish situations. The focus is on structures which can be manipulated and used in multiple contexts, as opposed to vocabulary themes which are of limited use. Their approach has proved effective because it avoids abstract grammar explanations and employs a variety of techniques. There are 6 levels for students.Sleep LearningThis is a very unique channel that proposes to teach Spanish while you sleep! You listen as you are falling asleep and leave it on while you sleep. The video lasts for three hours and plays multiple dialogues of typical everyday Spanish conversation, so that you identify Spanish words used in conversation. It uses three binaural beats to enhance learning ability, initiate sleep learning, and improve memory.Tu Escuela de EspañolOn the  Tu Escuela de Español  channel for learning Spanish, there are presentations on grammar rules, themed vocabulary lists on themes (names, family, nature, etc.), and phonetics videos. There are also videos on Spanish culture and tr aditions. Videos are offered from beginner to advanced levels.Videos for All Levels in SpanishIt’s very easy to find good videos on YouTube to study Spanish, for every learner level. You just need to type “learn Spanish” in the search box to get an  impressive list of videos of Spanish courses, perfect for learning to express yourself in Spanish. Becoming fluent in Spanish is not a process that will happen overnight, but videos on YouTube can make it progress at a faster rate.Work on your Spanish accent with YouTube videos!Of course, we tested this ourselves to write this article. In one second, we found thousands of results for all levels. From there, a few interesting Spanish courses stood out at the top of the list. For example, YouTube proposes the interesting channel: “ ¡Aprende español con Saby!”This channel comprises dozens of videos targeting beginners. It’s ideal for picking up the basics that allow you to learn the language easily and comfortably.Structured in 26 lessons , each a maximum of 12 minutes, these videos explore vocabulary words, verbs and grammar rules. While it’s just an initiation, it’s already a good start to learn Spanish with YouTube!Other videos allow you to perfect your level, enrich your vocabulary or complete your knowledge. For example there are videos for learning the  essentials for introducing oneself or asking for useful information in daily life situations.YouTube videos are great because you can hear the words pronounced by a native speaker in many cases. This gives you a true picture of Spanish vocabulary that you won’t get in your Spanish class textbook. Instead of learning conjugation on paper, listen to how correct verb usage sounds with your own ears!To boost your training, you just have to target your research. Don’t just type in “learn Spanish” if you are an intermediate or more advanced Spanish speaker.Narrow your search by typing phrases such as “speak Spanish fluently,” “Spanish con versation” or “Spanish vocabulary.” Then, select from the list of suggestions proposed by YouTube.Learning professional Spanish to prepare for a job interview, for instance, is also possible, as well as learning Spanish phrases to to travel to a Hispanic country.Remember, your goals will define how you learn the language. If you want to learn conversational Spanish, then you should focus on learning methods that are geared for this. These will often be less focused on the intricacies of the grammar rules, and more focused on talking and getting the correct pronunciation.Organise Yourself to Learn Spanish as Efficiently as PossibleBefore diving into Spanish training via YouTube, we recommend that readers to set up a revision calendar.To learn Spanish, you must be organised.For example, try to practise your Spanish for 20 minutes each day, with regularity and determination. Once you’ve mastered one concept, you can move on to the next lesson. This way you’ll get the most out of your free lessons.Learning Spanish for free and on YouTube might be part of a long process: don’t rush or skip steps, you risk not memorising all of the necessary information.It’s like when you are revising your college midterms: it’s better to read a little every evening rather than cramming the entire lesson the night before the exam.Choose the Right Videos According to your LevelYouTube is not only good for Spanish class videos. It’s an excellent method for its capacity to put in to practise language comprehension and the more conversational aspects of language learning.In the classroom, your Spanish teacher probably makes you listen to recordings of audio conversions or videos… Audio memorisation is essential in all types of training and that is what YouTube is all about!So instead of having to listen to boring discussions to improve your Spanish why not choose interesting videos, or even podcasts? TadeoSpanish Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all o ur tutors AnnickSpanish Teacher 5.00 (6) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PeterSpanish Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LowriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (8) £90/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MartaSpanish Teacher 5.00 (6) £22/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SharonSpanish Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TanyaSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Jose manuelSpanish Teacher £14/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsCartoons in Spanish: Ideal for Refreshing the BasicsWe also recommend watching videos for children learning Spanish. For this, just type “Spanish cartoon” into the search box. Like above, thousands of results will appear.Cartoons allow you to take time to assimilate the most basic of notions. Of course, these videos are made especially for children learning how to speak Spanish.Practise your Spanish with cartoons!Thanks to these cartoons, all users will learn the basics of the Spanish language quickly and efficiently (numbers, colors, basic vocabulary…).Look for actual Spanish cartoons instead of translated English ones. In Spanish, “cartoon” is “dibujos animados.” This way you’ll be able to find the ones that Spanish-speaking children love.It’s an ideal solution to improve your language skills while having fun.Improving your Spanish on YouTube with MusicWhen you start to understand the Spanish cartoons well, go to the next level. When you feel ready (or bored of cartoons), why not look for Spanish songs.For fans of Spanish singers, this is easy. You just have to listen attentively to their songs to understand the words.Sometimes, videos are coded to have the English translation, or the subtitles in Spanish to allow you to read the Spanish to better understand the meaning of the lyrics.No one comes to mind?  Well here are a few suggestions:Julio Iglesias and his son Enrique Iglesias,Shakira,Alejandro Sanz,David Bisba l,Pablo Alboran,Melendi,Dani Martín,Aventura or Romeo Santos,Manu Chao (he’s French but often sings in Spanish),Ska-P,Compay Segundo and Buena Vista Social Club (famous Cuban musicians),Gotan Project (a French group playing Argentinian electro-tango),Songs in Cumbia, a Colombian style of reference,David Bustamente.This list is obviously not exhaustive.The thing about music is that it can make us a bit obsessed. We are never quite happy to listen to a song only once. So don’t hesitate to over use the “repeat” button to memorise the lyrics!Watching Films and Shows in Spanish on YouTubeAfter music, increase the difficulty level of your online videos even more: revise your Spanish through Spanish films and series.Learning Spanish by watching Spanish films is a  method that most will prefer in relation to revising for boring Spanish classes! Film are interactive, and the listener will get the impression of having fun while his or her brain is working.The difficult aspect is tryi ng to understand the maximum amount of information while watching. But there is no need to understand every single word, the aim is to be able to get the gist of the scenario and explain the film synopsis to someone who hasn’t seen it.Watch some good Spanish films to help you learn the language!So it’s best to begin with some short films or TV series of about 20 minutes. This way you won’t need to concentrate for too long. What about Narcos, the televised series produced by Netflix that has enjoyed amazing global success since its debut in 2016?If you don’t know already, it’s a series that retraces the history of narcotics traffic in Colombia between 1980 to 1990, and notably the life of Pablo Escobar, the civil war led by the Colombian government, the United States â€" the FBI, DEA, and CIA â€" and right wing military groups against drug cartels trafficking cocaine (the Medellin cartel and the Cali cartel).It’s a more than ideal series for learning because it is aired i n Spanish (no dubbing), while the voice off â€" the part with the historic recounting of events â€" is in English.Also, you can simultaneously improve your pronunciation â€" for instance by repeating the actors’ replies â€" and learn about the economic, social and political history of Colombia. Remember that this is a TV series that has been produced for entertainment, and therefore don't assume that everything that you see is true, or that Colombia is like the show portrays today!Clips of the series are of course available for free on YouTube. Longer clips and programs will offer a challenge  to those with a higher level. For example, try to find you favorite films in Spanish.The choice is immense on YouTube. The quality is not always wonderful, but it’s easy to find film extracts, and even entire films.Work on your Spanish during YouTube VideosHave you made serious progress in Spanish? Mastered vocabulary, grammar and some idiomatic expressions?Learn Spanish on YouTube!Thanks to YouTube, you can also listen to the televised news in Spanish on a theme of your choice, such as Andalusia for example! Why not explore the far reaches of YouTube to find new topics in science, politics, economy, documentaries, etc…Here, vocabulary will be a bit more complex than that used in cartoons, music or films. So you’ll be able to use all the words you’ve learned to understand what journalists are saying. Or listen to a streaming news channel to train your Spanish.You might not understand everything. But no bother, the important thing is to recognize the words and understand the gist of the report. Why not write down on paper the issue of the report to test yourself?Mission accomplished? Well done! This is a first step in the process of your goal:  becoming bilingual in Spanish!Extra Tricks for Improving your SpanishBefore completing this article, we wanted to provide our readers with some extra tricks for learning Spanish for free on YouTube.Read the CommentsOk, we know, the comments under the videos are not always relevant. Between the people who live to criticise and insult (aka trolls), and those are obsessed with chatting, it can be difficult to improve your Spanish!Still, this could be an excellent exercise to learn to read and write in Spanish. As you know, in books, you’ll find perfect, corrected and well written Spanish. But on the internet, people let themselves go, they don’t check their spelling, and make many mistakes.So why not correct the mistakes yourself! For fun, try to identify the least correct comments and try to correct their Spanish. Or amuse yourself by even responding to them in Spanish!Use the Subtitle FunctionNow, it is possible to add subtitles to certain videos. This is always a good way to revise your Spanish. Just click on the menu under the video.To improve your Spanish, why not watch Narcos?Now that you know it’s possible to learn Spanish quickly on YouTube, there’s just one thing left to do: turn on yo ur computer and aprender a hablar español!Still, YouTube might not be quite as good a method as a private Spanish lesson. Video is usually just a supplemental resource, as it lacks a mechanism to correct student’s errors in grammar, etc. A private Spanish teacher is able to guide his or her students, to serve as a sort of personal trainer, while YouTube videos don’t offer as personalised an experience.Videos serve as a resource for your classes, allowing you to progress at your rhythm, comfortably at home. The most important  thing is to have fun. And YouTube is ideal for this.When I want to practice my Spanish, I just head to Superprof and look for Spanish Courses London. You could do the same!